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About Us

Hello Everybody

First of all i want to thank you for your support and your visiting us, I wish you to keep visiting us more and more, and tell about us to your Friends, Family, Everyone who interested with this domain,

So I'm FAHD EL HARAKA, a Manager of this Website, I often interested in Music Producer, always used my first software is FL STUDIO, and also some other Softwares like ( A-wave Studio, Wave-pad Sound Editor and More ... ), Let's forget about this now, and talking about myself  to get closer to me more. I'm 20 years old, live in Safi city from Morocco in the north of Africa, exactly on Greenwich line,
Before i've created this site i've faced a many problems and circumstances, but with Purposefulness and some support of my friends i've succeeded to skip all those circumstances.
if you have any problems with making music or you need any software just contact me in my official Mail or site's Mail or Facebook you will find them all below, i'm here to help you, i wish you to keep visiting us everyday and tell about me to your friends, don't forget to share you Ideas to me i'm here listening to everyone, it's a pleasure to have your ideas. Thanks for your Support.

My Official Email: elharakafahd@gmail.com

Site Web's Mail: soundeditor2015@gmail.com
Facebook Page: Free Sound Editors
Facebook Profile: FAHD

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